I don’t know about you, but this particular holiday always leaves me racking my brain for new ideas that just don’t seem to come! Well, this year I think I just may be on to something!
I was recently reading Shaunti Feldhahn’s For Women Only, for probably the 102nd time. It’s a great book about the differences between men and women and I’ve used it many times when working with women on relationships. One of the many places that I’ve underlined and starred is this: “While it may be totally foreign to most of us, the male need for respect and affirmation-especially from his woman –is so hardwired and so critical that most men would rather feel unloved than disrespected or inadequate. The survey indicated that three out of four men would make that choice.”
They’d rather be respected than loved? Are they crazy?! Well, no...just different! Shaunti goes on to say, “If a man feels disrespected, he is going to feel unloved. And what that translates to is this: If you want to love your man in the way he needs to be loved, then you need to ensure that he feels your respect most of all.”
Well, I’ve decided that, even though I often try to show and tell my man how much I respect him, I’m sure I fall short. So...this year I’m going to try to come up with a fun way to share with my husband all the things that I appreciate and respect about him. The list will be long. I'd better get started!
Love and blessings,
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