A blog where women are inspired and encouraged to grow in their relationship with Christ.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Is Your Life An Uphill Climb?

Do you ever feel like your life is an uphill climb?  Sometimes we  struggle with life's mountains and end up feeling spiritually exhausted... distant and disconnected from God.

Have you noticed how God seems to like mountain climbing? Both Moses and Elijah had to trudge up the side of a mountain to see God reveal Himself in glorious ways. In Luke 9:28-36, Jesus invited Peter, James, and John to join Him on a mountain climb. 

As I read this I wondered if the three were excited to follow Jesus up the mountain. Were they expecting to feast on great teachings and see miraculous signs and wonders?  Or did they find this climb a drudgery. Did they cast looks at each other that said, “Here we go again”, or whisper “I can think of a hundred things I’d rather be doing than climbing this mountain!” or "I'm just too tired to go on."

When they finally reached the top Peter, James, and John were so exhausted that they fell into a deep sleep. And they almost missed it!!

Jesus began to pray. 29”As He was praying, the appearance of His face changed, and His clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning." 
Can you imagine sleeping through that?!

32 “Now Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep: but when they were fully awake, they saw his glory”

I’m so thankful that they woke up to see the glory of God!

We each have mountains to climb. For some, the mountain may be a difficult marriage or a rebellious child. For some it may be a prolonged period of loneliness, finding ways to feed and clothe your children, or allowing social media to overtake your days. One of my mountains has been a long-term illness that has drastically changed the topography of my life.

Whatever our mountain, Jesus is right there with us... Just waiting for the opportunity to reveal more of Himself. Sometimes we may feel that it's just too hard. We're exhausted, and we're tempted to spiritually fall asleep and disconnect from Jesus.  Let's diligently guard against being sidetracked by the height of our mountain. We risk missing the majesty and splendor of our Lord along the way.

When we are awake to Him , when we yearn to see His face, He will delight in showing us a glimpse of His glory... He will transfigure before us... And we will be changed.

No, the climb isn’t easy, but He’s right there with us. He wants to make Himself known in ways that will forever change us. Oh, but we must want Him. We must be awake to Him!

Emma Kate
Before I say good-bye, I have to tell you that I became a first-time grandmother this weekend!! Our little Emma Kate was born Sunday morning at 9:37. She was 6lbs 5oz and 19 precious inches long.  We are so excited we can hardly stand it! Thank you Lord for this perfect little addition to our family. Rejoicing like crazy!! 

Living in His grace!

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Each woman who stops by WtoW (I'm talking about you!) is so precious to our Lord and to me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your comments, emails, and FB messages.  
It's always so good to hear from you!

I sometimes link  with these delightful ladies!


  1. I am so glad that you came by my new little blog so that I could meet you, Mary! This post is a good one for me to soak up, for my upward climb is a medical condition that, although I have seen improvement,may always be a "thorn at my side." The physical pain usually brings me closer to God, but sometimes I feel disconnected, so I started the new blog to give me a fresh look at my Savior. I just know I will be coming by to visit you frequently and gleaning from the words He gives to you to share. Congratulations on the birth of your sweet little Emma Kate ~ being a grandparent is such a wonderful blessing!

  2. Laurie, I can so relate to your "thorn in my side". Physical pain can drive us to our knees seeking and trusting Jesus for relief, peace, and ways to live that will glorify His name. I really enjoyed your blog and look forward to getting to know you! Thanks so much for coming by! (And thanks for the congrats!)

  3. Thank you for sharing this (and for sharing the sweet picture of Emma!) I am in the midst of a huge mountain right now, and you are right- it's needing Jesus more and more that will get me through. <3 I'm your newest follower too!

    1. AND thanks for commenting over at Organic Aspirations!

    2. Becki, I just prayed that our sweet and powerful Jesus would help you through your tough time, that your eyes would be turned toward Him, and that He would be glorified through you. Thank you for coming by! (And thanks for commenting on our precious little Emma!)

  4. Thanks for coming by, Denise! God bless you.

  5. Those mountaintop brushes with glory make life in the valley bearable, don't they? Thank you for your thoughtful post. I'm so glad you've linked in community with us.

  6. Jennifer, I'm so thankful that Jesus is with us every step of the journey. Thanks so much for hosting the link-up and for your beautiful site. I'm glad you stopped in!

  7. Congrats on your new little addition, she is precious!

    Wanted to let you know I nominated your blog for the Liebster Blog Award, you can check it out at here www.theresomethingdifferent.blogspot.com


    1. Thanks Alecia! I'm fairly new to the blogging community and I'm not familiar with the Liebster Award. I'm looking forward to checking it out!! Thanks so much!

  8. MEGA congrats! And thank you for your lovely visit to SandwichINK for the Sandwich Generation a few days ago, as well as this very encouraging post! I'm in the throes of reading about Elijah so it was a double blessing to me this week. Thank you!

    1. I'm sure you're enjoying reading about Elijah... so much to learn! Thanks so much for coming by!

  9. Thanks for the nomination, Angie!!


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