A blog where women are inspired and encouraged to grow in their relationship with Christ.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Something To Shout About

My joy is here. It's just that lately I've allowed the hard things of life  to push it just below the surface... hovering just out of reach.

Thankfully, nothing is beyond the loving hand of our Abba Father. He has graciously reminded me that my joy is not rooted 
in the things of this world, or how I'm feeling
but in His precious unfailing promises. 

After reading this verse, I tried to remember when I last allowed the Lord to inspire me to really shout with joy... Oh yes, there's a reason He brought this verse to mind.  It's been a while.

When was the last time you shouted?  Was it while cheering at a ball game,  seeing a long-lost friend, getting a great buy?  Was it shouting out of frustration at your kids or your husband?  

When was the last time you really shouted with joy for the Lord?

I'd like to encourage you to stop and take a minute to meditate upon the goodness, holiness, character, and saving grace of our precious Savior.  Have you thought about it?  

Now, I'd like to encourage you to humble yourself before Him and be bold enough to stop and shout with joy for who He is and what He's done in your life!  Shouting to the Lord does something inside of us... Try it.  You'll see what I mean!

Our joy is in Him.  
And He is ever-present! 

And so...

We will shout with joy!  
We will exalt His name!  
We will rejoice in the God of our salvation!

"Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; 
even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the 
flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the LORD! 
I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!'
Habakkuk 3:17-18 (NLT)

How about you?
Have you allowed the hard things 
of life to overshadow your joy?
Or, is your heart full-to-overflowing?
I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Leave a comment!
Living in His grace,
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It's always so good to hear from you!


  1. Hi Mary! Oh, its always easier for me to see the negative, but you are so right that I have every reason to SHOUT for joy! I have my health, a home and wonderful family. Praise be to God, I am a blessed girl.

    Such an encouraging post today! So glad I stopped by.

    Happy Monday!

    1. Ceil, the negative can take up so much mental space, can't it?! Sometimes we just need to stop, re-focus, and give a shout of joy to our Creator! Praise be to God, we are truly blessed girls! :)
      Blessings and Happy Monday to you too! ~ Mary

  2. Yes Mary, I do think we so forget the wonderous God that He is and then we don't express that JOY as we should. And yes, I will and have the past couple of days been singing His praises more than ever!

    1. Marlece, I LOVE hearing that you've been singing His praises! God must be smiling at that!!
      Blessings and Joy to you ~ Mary

  3. What a great reminder! Things have been really, really difficult the last few weeks and I need to focus on some good stuff!

    1. Kate, I'm sorry to hear that things have been difficult lately. I pray that His joy would permeate your days!
      Blessings to you ~ Mary

  4. When I feel my hope depleting, I "shout" for joy for what He WILL do. I counter my negative feelings by thanking the Lord for what He's going to do on my behalf. This year, I've seen my reactions change. When circumstances are lousy, I'm not as affected as I used to be because I've changed my responses. :) Maybe I'm just choosing more joy, like you!


    1. Meredith, it's wonderful to hear that you're renewing your mind! I just love that you shout for joy for what our Abba Father promises He'll do! What a tremendous thought shift!
      Blessings to you, my friend ~ Mary

  5. Hi Mary,
    Even when we feel like our lives are crumbling around us, we can find joy in our eternal relationship with our Creator. Our joy is one of the most powerful weapons we have against the enemy! If we make it a point to delight in every little thing, all the small moments of joy and happiness will add up, and keep us moving down the path to the fruit of the spirit. That is something to shout about!

    Blessings and love,

    1. Denise, you've said this so beautifully! Our joy is certainly a powerful weapon. It evidences an intimate relationship with our Lord, which the enemy abhors.
      Thanks so much for coming by!
      Blessings and joy ~ Mary

  6. I very much needed this today, encouragement straight to my soul. Bless you, friend!

    1. Ashley, I'm so glad it hit the spot! God is so good to do that, isn't He?!
      I'm glad you came by!
      Blessings to you, sweet sister ~ Mary

  7. It is so important to remember that joy can happen unrelated to our circumstances. But we have to let it...and so often I do not. That verse in Habakkuk is one of my favorites for times when life is not producing the fruit I so desire it to. Yet even in the barrenness we can delight in God and He will never fail. Thanks for the great reminder once again! :)

    1. Summer, God's been continually bringing this verse in Habakkuk to mind lately. Yes, whether we're in plenty or in want, our joy is in Him!
      Blessings to you ~ Mary

  8. Dear Mary
    When I started reading your post, I immediately thought of the verses in Habakkuk! Yes, it is possible to shout for joy even in these circumstances for when we live closely in our Lord Jesus and He in us, He fills our heart with the glorious fruit of joy continuously. Sometimes, He does it just a bit more intentionally. I think the most important thing we need to do, is just to abide in Him.
    Blessings XX

    1. Dear Mia, yes, abiding in our Lord Jesus is paramount. For when we abide in Him, our joy is deep and rich, ever-present and all-consuming. Glory to His name!
      Blessings and love ~ Mary

  9. Yes Kate! Hallelujah to the One who is holy, full of grace, and love!
    Blessings and joy, my friend ~ Mary

  10. There is power in the spoken word! Amen to that. Popped on over from rachelwojo.com and couldn't agree more. I think wee have forgotten to rejoice always, through hard times and times of abundance. Thanks for refreshing the verses of Habakkuk.

    1. Emma, I know I sometimes relinquish my joy to the hard things. But I'm asking our Abba Father to help me be mindful and rejoice in Him! These verses in Habakkuk speak loudly to me.
      Thanks for coming by!
      Blessings to you ~ Mary

  11. This is great, Mary. Just yesterday my quiet time thought was "rejoice in the hard." So I'm "shouting for joy" over here at the lovely reminder God has sent me through your words, my friend. Yes, it is so hard to rejoice in the "hard," but it's where my faith grows best and deepest. Thanks so much for linking this up at Wedded Wed too. :)

    1. Beth,rejoicing in the hard is almost impossible without our Lord. I'm so thankful that He makes His joy available to us! Shouting for joy with you, my friend! And thanks for hosting Wedded Wed!
      Blessings to you ~ Mary

  12. Shouting some serious praise with you! So delighted to meet you. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip into some serious goodness.

    I would love you to share this post! A group of moms gather each week. I usually post on Mondays, but missed it this week. I start jotting a few notes and then others join in. You can post whenever, doesn't have to be anything new, it can be a gem nestled in your pages. I get the filled to the brim momma schedules.

    Just moms. Sharing our notes. Creating a melody.


    Be blessed,

    1. Hi Sarah! You're more than welcome to splash around here any time! Thanks for inviting me to the mom gathering. I'll be sure to check it out!
      Blessings and joy to you ~ Mary

  13. I love that you asked us when the last time we shouted was. Most likely, for me, it was a shout to get a child's attention. :) I want to shout for joy first and foremost!

    1. He is so worthy of a good shout!!
      I'm glad you came by!
      Blessings to you ~ Mary

  14. I dare not say it, but I think I'm not so happy and jubilant. But I do sing songs in the night. Your blog encourages me to get up and go to God

    In summer I blog here, Mary. You are welcome: http://sieraadvooras.blogspot.nl/

    1. Jedidja, I know those soul deep songs sung through the night are beautiful to our Lord. You're in my prayers, sweet sister.
      Blessings and love ~ Mary

  15. I was challenged by the quote by Brene Brown, "Joy is the most vulnerable of emotions." I consider myself vulnerable but I do not consider myself to be a joyful person. I think I have another journey ahead of me...one in search of that deep down joy of the Lord that manifests itself in all areas of my life. Blessings to you! Love, Rachael

    1. Rachael, that's an interesting quote. I can see where joy makes us vulnerable. I also think, like love, joy requires a decision. There are certainly many days that I don't FEEL joyful, but because of who He is, I choose joy. {And some days, I miss it...}
      It's always good to hear from you!
      Blessings and love ~ Mary

  16. I love that verse.... it's in those hard times that shouting for joy to the Lord means the most. When I was on the way, several years ago, to confirm a miscarrage with my doctor - my husband and I sang "Great is Our God." That moment stands out in my memory because it was in that hard moment that I NEEDED to shout for joy!

    1. Susan, I'm so sorry for your miscarriage... But oh, how I rejoice that you and your husband were able to trust and praise our Great God in the midst of such a trying time. Thank you so much for sharing this piece of your story.
      Blessings and love ~ Mary

  17. Hi Mary,

    "You inspire shouts of joy!" --What a nice verse.

    Have a great week,
    Jennifer Dougan

    1. Jennifer, I love that verse! He most definitely inspires shouts of joy!
      Thanks so much for stopping by!
      Blessings to you ~ Mary

  18. Hi Mary!

    I am nominating you for a Liebster, and I hope that you will accept the nomination. You are very deserving of it. To find out the details, go to www.transitiontovictory.blogspot.com


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